The recession has everyone running scared; senior execs, small business owners, senior management staff, white-collar, blue-collar, senior citizens on fixed incomes and single moms. Jobs are drying up and the welfare rolls are filling up.


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Everyone knows that starting a conventional business requires a lot of capital but since the banks aren't lending much if any these days then you should check out what I have discovered below
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Ron Knowles

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Recession / Going on Depression

I just got off the phone with a good friend of mine who lives in Salem, Oregon. He's in his mid to late seventies (I'm not sure which) but the fact of the matter is he's been kicking around this old world for awhile. I asked him what he thought of the present economic situation and he was extremely negative in his reply. He seriously thought we were well on our way to a bonafide depression. He's been through one before and says that all we need to see now is a run on the banks. Well, I gotta tell ya that kind of thinking does NOT make my day. So I got to thinking about how that would affect my online business. Since my business is providing people with the opportunity to start their own I guess I'll continue to do all right because as an internet business I'm exposing my business to people all over the world not just to a few folks.

I've decided this week that I'd like to concentrate my advertising efforts on retired military as well as retired police and firefighters. Of course I always want to assist active duty military personnel, too. We can never do enough for them! But retired folks in the above category are for the most part on fixed incomes and I'm sure they could use more money. So, that's my post for today. In my next one I'm going to talk about methods I personally use to promote my online business so stay tuned.

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